

Radio to RS485 ATB Protocol Converter

RDB9-2.4G Datasheet Rev. D

The RDB9-2.4G radio module is a cable replacement device used in ATB communication networks. It will transparently convert ATB frames between the radio side and the RS485 port of master and slave ATB devices. The RDB9-2.4G module can be combined with the USBRF-2.4G variant which replaces the RS485 port with a USB interface. The module is typically connected to the RS485 port of a slave device.

The converter uses a fixed radio channel which is user configurable and must be used by all modules in the same network. The module complies with the operating requirements of EN 300 328 V2.2.2 and AS/NZS 4268:2017 as demonstrated in EXT-220223-002-02 RDB9-2.4G Radio test report, 2103038STO-111.


  • 2.4 ÷ 2.5 GHz ISM band
  • Radio activity signaling
  • Half-duplex, master-slave architecture


  • Cable replacement in ATB networks